Mel: What the hell is that?
Cher: a dress.
Mel: Says who?
Cher: Calvin Klein.
Blouse ~ F21
Leggings ~ Loft
Blazer ~ Loft
Booties ~ Madden Girl @ DSW
Bag ~ Ross
Headband ~ I can't remember
Leggings ~ Loft
Blazer ~ Loft
Booties ~ Madden Girl @ DSW
Bag ~ Ross
Headband ~ I can't remember
I finally got my patent leather bow pumps back from the shoe repair shop. Last time I wore them I got my heel stuck in a crack on the pavement and pulled the tip off. I'm very happy to have them back, they even shinned them for me!
Yes, I'm wearing a figure forming mini. It's not very typical of me to be so risque, but I was totally inspired by Kayko Lynn's blog post. Which by coincidence, before even reading her post I had stood debating whether to get this, or the other (her) striped mini (they were side by side on the rack), or even getting one at all. Nonetheless, I opted for the stripes and also ended up getting a modest tunic to wear over it. So it was at perfect timing that when I dared to buy such a scandalous piece she would blog about it. I did take it baby steps though and wore it with the tunic first.
Mini ~ F21
Zipper tank ~ F21
Jacket ~ F21 (a long time ago)
Bag ~ Express
Bracelet ~ Target
Pumps ~ Thrifted
Zipper tank ~ F21
Jacket ~ F21 (a long time ago)
Bag ~ Express
Bracelet ~ Target
Pumps ~ Thrifted
Tank ~ Old Navy
Cardigan ~ F21
Shorts ~ Loft
Wedges ~ Loft
Necklace ~ Loft
Cardigan ~ F21
Shorts ~ Loft
Wedges ~ Loft
Necklace ~ Loft
By coincidence, I met a Texan the day I wore this outfit. He said he would bet $100 bucks that I was from Texas; I had to break it to him easy. In his defense, it was a very logical mistake, I looked the part and I was even bubblier than my usual self. I find the debate of whether or not clothes have an affect on personality very interesting. I can only speak for my self, but I do believe they have an effect on me. Not a very drastic one, and my core beliefs are always deeply in place, but I do notice little differences in myself. I think it's because I find everyone's differences and uniqueness so extraordinary that it's easy for me to find those qualities within myself and highlight them. OK, so now that I've found my inner Plato, before I go sit on a rock and ponder the meaning of life I must encourage you to try a different outfit. One that you've always admired but never thought you could pull off.
Dress ~ TJ Max
Boots ~ Buffalo Exchange
Scarf ~ Loft
Boots ~ Buffalo Exchange
Scarf ~ Loft
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